You know to run the hose a few minutes in the summer so you don’t boil anything the water touches
In August anything under 105 is a nice day
You think oven mitts make great driving gloves
Prime parking is rated by shade and not location
You always have water in your car
You can snow ski and water ski on the same day
You keep an insulated bag in your car so the ice cream doesn’t melt before you get home from the store
You know how to pronounce Mogollon; not to mention cholla, Papago and saguaro.
You go barefoot more in the winter than in the summer
When it rains you run outside
Anything over 15% humidity is sticky
In the summer the water from the tap is hot and hotter..
Tumbleweeds are just a nuisance and not a big deal
Yes, a roadrunner is a real bird, no it’s not 3′ tall and it eats lizards and snakes not birdseed
Creeks, bridges and washes are usually not a sign of water
You know that a Haboob is just a nasty sandstorm
You can make sun tea in minutes
Vehicles with open windows have the right-of-way in the summer.
Watching winter weather reports from other parts of the country is a guilty pleasure. Sometimes you make popcorn.
You’ve made the mistake of sitting on a vinyl seat in summer wearing shorts..